const std = @import("std"); pub const Parser = @import("parser.zig").Parser; pub const ParseTree = @import("parser.zig").ParseTree; pub const Token = struct { pub const Kind = enum { Literal, LParen, RParen, Class, Dot, Star, Plus, Question, Or }; pub const Value = union(Token.Kind) { Literal: u8, LParen, RParen, Class: RangeList, Dot, Star, Plus, Question, Or }; kind: Token.Kind, value: ?Token.Value, pos: usize, pub fn format(self: *const Token, comptime fmt: []const u8, _: std.fmt.FormatOptions, writer: anytype) !void { if (fmt.len != 0) { // must be {} or {any} return std.invalidFmtError(fmt, self); } try writer.print("{{ kind: {s}", .{@tagName(self.kind)}); if (self.value) |val| { switch (val) { .Literal => |literal| try writer.print(", value: {c}", .{literal}), .Class => |rl| try writer.print(", value: {}", .{rl}), else => {}, } } try writer.print(" }}", .{}); } pub fn deinit(self: *const Token) void { if (self.value) |val| { switch (val) { .Class => |*rl| rl.deinit(), else => {}, } } } }; pub const Lexer = struct { start: usize, cursor: usize, regexp: []const u8, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, tokens: std.SinglyLinkedList(Token), pub const Error = error{ EndOfBuffer, InvalidCharacter, UnexpectedCharater }; pub fn init(regexp: []const u8, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) Lexer { return .{ .cursor = 0, .start = 0, .regexp = regexp, .allocator = allocator, .tokens = std.SinglyLinkedList(Token){ .first = null } }; } pub fn deinit(self: *Lexer) void { var it = self.tokens.first; while (it) |node| { if ( |val| { switch (val) { .Class => |*rl| rl.deinit(), else => {}, } } it =; self.allocator.destroy(node); } } fn readChar(self: *Lexer) !u8 { if (self.cursor >= self.regexp.len) { return Error.EndOfBuffer; } return self.regexp[self.cursor]; } pub fn scan(self: *Lexer) !std.SinglyLinkedList(Token) { if (self.tokens.first) |_| { return self.tokens; } else { self.tokens.first = try self.allocator.create(std.SinglyLinkedList(Token).Node); } var tail: ?*std.SinglyLinkedList(Token).Node = null; var node = self.tokens.first; while (true) { const token: Token = self.advance() catch |err| switch (err) { Error.EndOfBuffer => { self.allocator.destroy(node.?); if (tail) |t| { = null; } return self.tokens; }, else => { return err; }, }; node.?.data = token; node.?.next = try self.allocator.create(std.SinglyLinkedList(Token).Node); tail = node; node = node.?.next; } } pub fn advance(self: *Lexer) !Token { self.start = self.cursor; var c = try self.readChar(); const inferred_type: Token.Kind = switch (c) { '(' => .LParen, ')' => .RParen, '[' => .Class, '.' => .Dot, '*' => .Star, '+' => .Plus, '?' => .Question, '|' => .Or, else => .Literal, }; switch (inferred_type) { .Literal => { if (c == '\\') { self.cursor += 1; c = try self.readChar(); // needs more verbose error handling c = escapedChar(c); } self.cursor += 1; return .{ .kind = inferred_type, .value = .{ .Literal = c }, .pos = self.start }; }, .Class => { while (c != ']') { // needs more verbose error handling c = try self.readChar(); self.cursor += 1; } return .{ .kind = inferred_type, .value = .{ .Class = try RangeList.init(self.regexp[self.start + 1 .. self.cursor - 1], self.allocator) }, .pos = self.start }; }, else => { self.cursor += 1; return .{ .kind = inferred_type, .pos = self.start, .value = null }; }, } } fn escapedChar(c: u8) u8 { return switch (c) { 'n' => '\n', // placeholder for now 't' => '\t', 'r' => '\r', else => c, }; } }; // could use something like a bst, but thinking about what regex classes people actually write makes me think that a list is more efficient pub const RangeList = struct { negated: bool, head: ?*Node, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, const Node = struct { range: struct { min: u8, max: u8 }, next: ?*Node, }; // need to do more error handling pub fn init(str: []const u8, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) !RangeList { var rl = RangeList{ .negated = false, .head = null, .allocator = allocator, }; var i: usize = 0; if (str.len == 0) { return rl; } if (str[0] == '^') { rl.negated = true; i += 1; } var p = rl.head; while (i < str.len) : (i += 1) { const node = try rl.allocator.create(Node); const min = str[i]; var max = min; i += 1; if (i + 1 < str.len and str[i] == '-') { i += 1; max = str[i]; i += 1; } node.* = .{ .range = .{ .min = min, .max = max }, .next = null, }; if (p) |tail| { = node; p =; } else { rl.head = node; p = rl.head; } } return rl; } pub fn deinit(self: *const RangeList) void { var itr = self.head; while (itr) |node| { const prev = node; itr =; self.allocator.destroy(prev); } } pub fn format(self: *const RangeList, comptime fmt: []const u8, _: std.fmt.FormatOptions, writer: anytype) !void { var itr = self.head; if (fmt.len != 0) { // must be {} or {any} return std.invalidFmtError(fmt, self); } if (self.negated) { try writer.print("^", .{}); } try writer.print("[", .{}); while (itr) |node| : (itr = { if (node.range.min == node.range.max) { try writer.print("{c}", .{node.range.min}); } else { try writer.print("{c}-{c}", .{ node.range.min, node.range.max }); } if ( |_| { try writer.print(", ", .{}); } } try writer.print("]", .{}); } };