path: root/src/parser.zig
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/parser.zig')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/parser.zig b/src/parser.zig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49fcdb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+const std = @import("std");
+const Token = @import("regex.zig").Token;
+const TokenList = std.SinglyLinkedList(Token);
+pub const Rule = enum { Terminal, Re, Rer, Cat, Catr, E, L };
+pub const ParseTree = struct {
+ rule: Rule,
+ token: ?Token,
+ sibling: ?*ParseTree,
+ child: ?*ParseTree,
+ pub fn init(rule: Rule, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) !*ParseTree {
+ const t = try allocator.create(ParseTree);
+ t.* = .{
+ .rule = rule,
+ .token = null,
+ .sibling = null,
+ .child = null,
+ };
+ return t;
+ }
+ pub fn appendChild(self: *ParseTree, child: *ParseTree) void {
+ if (self.child) |c| {
+ var p = c;
+ while (p.sibling) |sibling| {
+ p = sibling;
+ }
+ p.sibling = child;
+ } else {
+ self.child = child;
+ }
+ }
+pub const Parser = struct {
+ tokens: *const TokenList,
+ itr: ?*TokenList.Node,
+ allocator: *std.mem.Allocator,
+ pub const Error = error{ UnexpectedToken, ExpectedToken };
+ pub fn init(tl: *const TokenList, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) Parser {
+ return .{ .tokens = tl, .allocator = allocator, .itr = tl.first.? };
+ }
+ pub fn expectToken(self: *Parser, kind: Token.Kind) !*ParseTree {
+ if (self.itr) |node| {
+ if ( == kind) {
+ const t = try ParseTree.init(Rule.Terminal, self.allocator);
+ t.token =;
+ self.itr =;
+ return t;
+ } else {
+ std.debug.print("{d} | error: expected token of kind {s} but found token of kind {s}", .{, @tagName(kind), @tagName( });
+ return Error.UnexpectedToken;
+ }
+ } else {
+ std.debug.print("error: expected token of kind {s} but reached end of stream!\n", .{@tagName(kind)}); // should use actual logging eventually
+ return Error.ExpectedToken;
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn parseRe(self: *Parser) error{ ExpectedToken, UnexpectedToken, OutOfMemory }!*ParseTree {
+ const t = try ParseTree.init(Rule.Re, self.allocator);
+ t.appendChild(try self.parseCat());
+ t.appendChild(try self.parseRer());
+ return t;
+ }
+ pub fn parseRer(self: *Parser) !*ParseTree {
+ const t = try ParseTree.init(Rule.Rer, self.allocator);
+ if (self.itr) |_| {
+ t.appendChild(try self.expectToken(Token.Kind.Or));
+ t.appendChild(try self.parseCat());
+ } // else -> epsilon
+ return t;
+ }
+ pub fn parseCat(self: *Parser) !*ParseTree {
+ const t = try ParseTree.init(Rule.Cat, self.allocator);
+ t.appendChild(try self.parseE());
+ t.appendChild(try self.parseCatr());
+ return t;
+ }
+ pub fn parseCatr(self: *Parser) !*ParseTree {
+ const t = try ParseTree.init(Rule.Catr, self.allocator);
+ if (self.itr) |_| {
+ t.appendChild(try self.parseE());
+ t.appendChild(try self.parseCatr());
+ }
+ return t;
+ }
+ pub fn parseE(self: *Parser) !*ParseTree {
+ const t = try ParseTree.init(Rule.E, self.allocator);
+ t.appendChild(try self.parseL());
+ if (self.itr) |node| {
+ switch ( {
+ .Plus, .Question, .Star => {
+ t.appendChild(try self.expectToken(; // bruh
+ },
+ else => {},
+ }
+ } else {
+ return Error.ExpectedToken;
+ }
+ return t;
+ }
+ pub fn parseL(self: *Parser) !*ParseTree {
+ const t = try ParseTree.init(Rule.L, self.allocator);
+ if (self.itr) |node| {
+ switch ( {
+ .Literal, .Class, .Dot => {
+ t.appendChild(try self.expectToken(; // bruh
+ },
+ .LParen => {
+ t.appendChild(try self.expectToken(Token.Kind.LParen));
+ t.appendChild(try self.parseRe());
+ t.appendChild(try self.expectToken(Token.Kind.RParen));
+ },
+ else => {
+ return Error.UnexpectedToken;
+ },
+ }
+ } else {
+ return Error.ExpectedToken;
+ }
+ return t;
+ }